Thursday, September 29, 2005

Stint Photos and Killer Dolphins

Here's some pics Mercedes (Dan's woman) took at the Stint show. God damn, I am HOT. And here's a really fucked up story about dolphins that our government trained to kill terrorists. Man, they just HAD to know they were gonna escape. I mean, come on! Here's how the movie would go... -bunch of guys sitting around a table... "Man, wouldn't it be funny if those dolphins we trained somehow escaped and starting shooting toxic darts at innocent divers!" Then they all have a good chuckle, whilst the front door opens and in walks a dolphin with an uzi. That would be awesome. I'm calling FOX right now.

Speaking of movies, this is hilarious.


Blogger JRamoneWI said...

The Stint show wasn't supposed to be funny. ;)

5:18 PM  

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