Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Uncle Timmy

Sitting here updating my band member tryout list, and I came across this. It's horrible, so I hope he doesn't make it big and ruin my good nickname! haha

Sunday, June 26, 2005

New song demo...

Soon I will get off my ass and blog about my wonderful vacation I just came back from, but for now, you get to listen to a demo of a song I wrote for some friends of mine and E's. They got married, so this is the song they got. For Pete's sake, though, I need some recording lessons. And some better equipment, maybe. Yeah, that's it, I'll blame the equipment!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Holiday roooooad....

Goin on vacation starting tomorrow morning! We're driving south toward Bush territory. I'm bringing my bb gun just in case I run into some rednecks. We're staying somewhere in the Smoky Mountains. Smokie? Whatever. Tennesee, I think. Really I'm just gonna sit in the van and wherever we end up - awesome. I'll be with Erika and the "kids" (her brother and sister), Erika's parents, and her mom's side of the family. We got some rental houses, and they look sweet from the pictures online. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be like the Hotel Coral Essex from Revenge of the Nerds 2. We'll probably go to Rock City one of the days (we'll be gone a week) to check out the scene from Neil Gaiman's American Gods. If you haven't read it, you should. It's freakin sweet. He wrote the Sandman comics, and to tell you the truth, he could write a 200 page book on the mating habits of dirt, and it would be really fuckin interesting. He's got a gift. Kinda like me and.. um.. water polo? Umm..... anyway, if you need to get a hold of me, we will have Erika's cell phone for those of you cool enough to know the number. Rock on, and I'll catch y'all when I gets back.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Few things...

Gotta love those Brits... http://www.moveonpac.org/tellthetruth/?id=5653-5149328-PjsoihsNFI8OXNfQyY4dng&t=1

Anyway, is anyone goin to see Weezer with the Pixies at Summerfest? It's July 7th. A Thursday. Holy shit, what an awesome pairing. Weird, I guess. But Weezer did do Veloria on the Pixies tribute album. Anyway, we're gonna have to miss Nightranger to see 'em. I just found that out. Dammit! Just kidding. Their two songs were okay, I suppose. But fuckin "Binky Tunny and the Farmland Chokehold" are opening for Skid Row! I'd say good for them, but really they aren't that good. I mean, what's the deal? How are they getting this publicity? And not until after Cara (and the rest of the band) was booted! I mean, I could see this happening if Binky was hot, but she ain't. She's got a bubbly personality, I guess, but shit, so do a lot of musicians ten times better than her. I mean, I'm not mad or jealous at all, just perplexed. Why isn't Sunpot opening for Skid Row? Or Skid Row opening for Sunspot! Or the two bands combining to form Skidspot! hmm... too fecal, I agree.