Sunday, August 13, 2006

"Fluff nugget munch-mallow"

That's the kind of thing drunk people say. A guy we met at the Bristled Boar last night said it. Not sure what he was talking about, but we thought it was funny. Another good title for this post would be "What the hell did I do last night?" or "Lost Sunday" since I basically slept all day today after a crazy afterbar until 8am. Chris (GovZero guitarist) and I checked out Johnny Rocker and the High Rollers for a bit at Club Tavern, then walked over to the Bristled Boar. Started talking to this other guy Chris and he invited us to his afterbar. We drank a LOT of alcohol, met some cool people, played Yahtzee and then... well my memory gets fuzzy after the Yahtzee. Woke up at 4pm, got a ride back to my place and slept until 10pm. Now I'm having breakfast before going back to sleep for the night. Fucked up, huh? So, if any of those kids read this, thanks to Chris and Shawn for having us over to their SWEET apartment, and thanks to Julia for the engaging political discussion. When you run for president, I'll vote for you. Okay. Need... sleep... now.


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