Thursday, March 09, 2006

Here's lookin' at you, kid

I finally saw Casablanca. What a great movie! It's a classic for a reason. And Ingred Bergman is hot. Now I know where Rick's Cafe (the Madison music newspaper) got its name, and where the line "Play it, Sam" came from. Although I always thought it was "Play it again, Sam." But, they didn't say again in the movie. hmm.. I also understand about the line "We'll always have Paris," which in Red Dwarf is "We'll always have parrots." haha.. Anyway, I like knowing origins of things like that. For years I had no idea where the line in UHF "This means something; this is important!" came from. I just thought it was Weird Al being, well, weird! I have a friend who knows the origin of a lot of English words and phrases. It's always fun to ask him about things. I know there are plenty of websites to find these answers, but it's cool to hear it from a knowledgable friend instead. I still wanna know the REAL origin of "shit," though. I don't know what to believe online.


Blogger Sunspot Mike said...

Yeah, that movie's the balls. Ya know, they tried to make a TV show out of it in the 80's? Yeah, with Starsky in the Bogart role.

You gotta love cocaine.

2:58 PM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

haha.. I imagine the guy who pitched Spongebob was really a 13 year old boy who wished to be BIG and turned into an adult who somehow instantly got a job with a good company. Also, he jumped on a trampoline with a hot chick.

4:45 PM  

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