Saturday, October 29, 2005

"I Love Music" - AWK

THE MEME: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your blog along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

Volcanic - The Treats
--The Treats are an excellent Madison band mixing the sound of Nirvana, blues, rock, and pop. They are on the soundtrack for an upcoming independent film called "Side Effects". It's like a REAL movie, unlike the two that BORD was on the soundtrack for which both were just flicks made by local dudes with crappy equipment. The chick in it was from Grey's Anatomy.--

I Have a Date - The Vandals
--The Vandals are just plain fun. Do doubt about it. Don't get their first couple albums though. I guess a few years into their existence, the vocalist got singing lessons. Before that, they were pretty shitty.--

HaHa You're Dead - Green Day
--This is possibly the best Green Day song. I don't know why it never made it onto an actual album. I mean, the b-sides album "Shenanigans" is totally kick-ass, so I guess it should count as a real album.

Saturday Night - Misfits
--I heard them play this live in like '97 or something at the Rave in Milwaukee. I was totally blown away, because it's really simple, but very powerfully sung. I love love love LOVE the oldies-punk sound, and this song embodies it. It also rocks to play it! A band called Tuuli played with Sunspot at the Annex in Madison, and they covered this song and let me sing. Kick ass!--

Everybody's Girl - The Dwarves
--This is one of those songs I randomly found back in that 2 or 3 year span when Napster was in full force, and you could find ANYTHING online. I think I just searched for "punk" or something, and this came up. Glad I found it, cause it RULES. Sorry I don't have a link to it, but I'm sure you can find it on your own.--

Almost Like Bein' in Love - Frank Sinatra
--This and the next song are both in the movie "Groundhog Day", which is one of my absolute favorites. Ol' Blue Eyes rocks. I think he said something once about rock n' roll being music for apes or something. Awesome. He'll roll in his grave when I come out with my novelty punk cover band, PUNK SINATRA. Fuckin' A.--

You Don't Know Me - Ray Charles
--We covered this song in The Stint, if anyone who was there recognized it. We wanted to do a cover, but something that you wouldn't expect to be covered. We weren't gonna do a Green Day song or anything like that. I LOVE this song, and it makes me cry. I'm such a pussy.

*I don't often just sit down and listen to music. No ipod, no computer (that I can use for myself) at work, no stereo in my room. So these are the most recent big ones I listen to a lot and don't get sick of. When I'm on my computer, I listen to mp3s while searching for midget porn and when I'm in the car, I use my cd player that plays mp3 cds. Which is a lot like an ipod anyway because I got about 180 songs on a CD. We'll use a Halloween mix on an mp3 cd for our party comin' up, too!

(Oh yeah, I guess I tag Jameel, E, Sunspot, Robin, and the other 2 people who read this blog)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Every once in a while I check out - Someone pointed out the funny message you see when you google kodakgallery... awesome.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Smile, it's free.

Just a little funny thing I found on the "internet"...
"Most people were attracted to the Zach (sp) Morris oversized cell phone but were disappointed when they realized it was really a water bottle that just looked like a phone. I would point out that the items were replicas because the actual 1997 items were far too valuable and were in museums."

Friday, October 07, 2005

Springswood Halloween Party '05!!!

E and A bought a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN for our party, which I guess means we're having one this Halloween for sure now! :) It'll actually be the weekend AFTER Halloween, since most people have plans the weekend of. So, Saturday, November 5th, 2005 (exactly 50 years after Doc Brown invented time travel) come one come all to SPRINGSWOOD (formerly Nine Springs) for festivities. We may have a band. Stay tuned for more details. Oh, and send me your emails if I don't already have them. (tim AT I think I'll do the "E-vite" thing, so we know who's all comin'.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Serenity now!

Man, I just saw Serenity, the Firefly movie, and I have to say it blew me away! I can't say much about it except go see it NOW, and be prepared to feel every emotion you have all at once during parts of this flick. If you haven't seen the series, it's okay. Joss does an awesome job revealing the characters and backstory, without having something obvious like a narrator or something.

I saw this puppy on the ULTRASCREEN, too! Holy crap. Good times. Oh, and whatever you do do NOT read the forums at the bottom of the page for Serenity! Don't even read the forum post TITLES! Idiots don't realize that writing *Spoiler* and then in the same line actually giving it away, doesn't help. haha. But after you see it, go ahead and read 'em. Lots of geeks complaining, but for the most part, lots of geeks saying they loved it! Man, it's gonna be hard to get to sleep. That movie pumped me up like you wouldn't believe. Good thing I get to sleep in. Too bad Inara won't be joining me.