Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Weezer rocks.

Got the new album. Pretty good. Didn't blow me away like the Green Album when it was new, but it's still pretty sweet. Really mellow compared to everything else. But it's cool. Get one! Oh yeah, and Mike Huberty looks like Gary Sinese. I can't believe it took me this long to realize that.


Blogger K good said...

i will get the album tonight.

remind me to tell you that i am going to think it sucks.

that single left a terrible taste in my mouth. kinda like when when you go into "The Landmark" bar on North and Farwell and the sweet sticky taste of vomit comes from everywhere.

2:46 PM  
Blogger K good said...

hated it.

check this out

9:44 AM  
Blogger Toxic Ned said...

My goodness... The Mike/Sinise resemblence is eerie! I think we need to make a Sunspot in the future movie and must now find out who is to play Ben and Wendy!

1:16 PM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

Alright, I've given the Weezer album a few more listens and it gets better each time! I still agree it isn't their strongest, but I don't think it is their fault. The Man has a lot to do with it. Which is why their b-sides are their best songs. They simply record EVERYTHING they write (which few bands are able to do) and some asshole manager guy tells them, "oh yeah, put the overly-poppy overly-sappy safe-for-moms-to-listen-to songs on the album. Just to be safe." I'm sick of safe music. I could probably tell you exactly which songs on Make Believe will be singles next. The 80's Tears For Fears sounding song, Such A Pity, is really growing on me. Oh, don't mind cousin Kevin. He doesn't like anything. To me, Weezer is like the problem child. Sometimes pisses you off a little, but you still have to love him because he fell out of your wife's cooter... Okay, I don't know what that means.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


In general I've learned that when it comes to bands whose work I am inclined to like, the more stars Rolling Stone gives an album of theirs, the less likely I am to enjoy that particular album.

RS gave the current Weezer album four stars, so it will probably be the first Weezer album I don't buy.


9:41 PM  
Blogger K good said...

I am listening to "This is such a pity"

I think this song is the paramount for the album, its so god damn bad that I want to cry for Rivers for forgeting how to write a song.

11:02 AM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

Actually, I thought "Such a Pity" was a pretty good single. Kinda 80s, kinda Tears For Fears- type song. Overall, the album definitely does NOT deserve 4 stars. Unless that's 4 out of 10. Man, Rivers, you can do better than that! The only consolation I have is that the b-sides will fucking ROCK as usual!

3:08 AM  
Blogger Sunspot Mike said...

I look like Lt. Dan? WTF?

I'm wayyyyyyy sexier.

But The Stand was a badass minisereies.

12:23 PM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

Hell yeah, the Stand ruled! I guess one of the higher-ups at Captel (my job) had an audition to be the deaf guy, but Rob Lowe got the part. I need to see Team America. And I see that Orgazmo is on DVD, too. Still gotta catch that one. I wouldn't be so hard on Rivers. Sometimes musicians don't realize which songs people like or not. It's not really his decision what goes on the album, probably. Hence, the b-sides. Keep checking weezer.com, they put em on there all the time. I'm not real familiar with SOA(fucking)D. haha.. Hey, anyone been to that website where they play two Nickelback songs at the same time and they sync up exactly? Fuckin hilarious.

12:56 PM  

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