Thursday, April 07, 2005

Today's updates...

1. Another political-type thing.

2. I'm someone who tries to stay somewhat informed of the world around me, but the news is just too fucking depressing most of the time. They say ignorance is bliss, and they're right, in a way. I saw this show recently about a six year old girl who had to have major surgery to straighten her spine, or it would crush her lungs and kill her within a few years. She'd already had many complications with her scoliosis. Who would want this sweet girl to die? That bearded white dude in the sky? What a prick he must be.

3. If you see one movie this year, make it Sci-Fi original, "Mansquito."

4. Going to "trivia weekend" in Steven's Point tomorrow through Sunday with E. Sassypants, Cara, and hopefully Mike (all ex-bordists) along with a few of their other friends, do this every year. I guess a local radio station has 24 hour trivia questions (like one question between every song or two). You call in, say your team name and the answer, and you get points, like trivia in a bar. We're staying in a seedy motel the first night, then a nice one for the rest of the weekend. From what I hear, much drinking and tomfoolery will take place, along with little sleep. I'll tell you all about it!


Blogger Toxic Ned said...


2) I'm very blissful.

3) Does it have Bruce Campbell?

4) Dude, rock on. May you get many points and may a winnar be you!

9:56 AM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

Thanks, Toxy. 1.)I should try to stay away, too. 2.)I can tell! 3.)No, but Alien Apocalypse does. I haven't seen it yet. It's the newest one. The last one he did wasn't too long ago. It was called Terminal Invasion and was AWFUL. They couldn't even think of cool lines for him. When he throws a lighter into a pool of gasoline to blow up an alien, he says "Oops." OOPS?! Not "You're fired" or "Wanna fry with that?". C'mon, people! 4.)We've got a lotta smart mother fuckers on the team, so I'm sure we'll do well. Plus, we'll have about 5 laptops with us!

2:10 PM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

That's a period, not a comma, next to your name (or, your initial). :)

10:27 PM  

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