Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Todays topics...

1. What ever happened to Burple?

2. Can I be Frank?

3. E and I just finished watching the first and only season of "Wonderfalls." Amber bought the DVD set. It was a show on FOX that only lasted for 4 shows. Thanks to DVD demand, it got released. It was a really good show about a girl who graduated from an ivy league school and ended up being a retail clerk at a Niagra Falls gift shop and living in a trailer park. She was content with mediocrity until small plastic (or stuffed) animals started telling her to do things. She for some reason listened to these animals, and got in weird predicaments that somehow ended up helping other people in the end, even if it caused her suffering in the process. It was very existential. The girl was "fate's bitch" as she put it. It was very well done. Fun, quirky, and one of the few shows on FOX (or tv, for that matter) that had an ounce of intelligence. I highly recommend it! I'm sure FOX would've found a way to ruin it if it would've kept going, like they did to the Simpsons (although that may be just the writers' fault). I really hope Family Guy doesn't start sucking now that they resurrected it.

4. I applied for a job where Erika and Dylan work (Captel). I'm also applying at another employment agency today. They had one or two graphic design positions listed on their website, and a few regular ol' customer service jobs, too. Hopefully I'll get some piece of shit 9-5er soon, 'cause I'm running out of money and I need a car.

5. I heard Sin City is good. I'll have to check it out. I heard there was a small chance Jessica Alba was gonna be nude in it (apparently the comic book character is a stripper and appears nude often). Too bad that didn't happen. Dark Angel was pretty sweet for about a season.

6. I watched the fifth and sixth seasons of Red Dwarf recently. Hilarious stuff! I wonder how the movie is coming along? I need to watch the third season of Sopranos. Has anyone seen Dead Like Me? I guess it's written by the Wonderfalls guy. I really don't watch a lot of tv, I just didn't have much else to blog about.


Blogger Toxic Ned said...

1: Don't know, but damn, that stuff was awesome!

2: No, because you're Uncle Timmah!

3: I've heard the same thing from other people. I guess it's like Joan of Arcadia, but with souveniers instead of God.

4: Best of luck with that!

5: Let me know if you want to go. I haven't seen it yet either. And unfortunately Jessica Alba doesn't get nude.

6: Haven't heard anything on the Red Dwarf movie.

11:03 AM  
Blogger Sunspot Mike said...

Captel? What happened to the eBay stuff, Timbo?

Have you thought about selling your sperm? I usually get it free, but I bet you could charge other people.

11:35 AM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

I don't know if I have enough capitalist in me to have my own business. I think I'll continue to sell songs on ebay, 'cause it's fun and easy money and I like the challenge. I'll eventually also sell most of the He-Man figures I bought. Oh, and Mike, I think I overcharged you for that last load in your mouth. Sorry 'bout that. We should all go see Sin City. Then we can come back here and play with my He-Mans. Sweet.

1:13 PM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

I haven't yet! It's on my list of "stuff that I can watch because it's not crap like The Simple Life". :)

10:36 PM  

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