Thursday, March 24, 2005

My letter to the editor...

Visit to write your own letter. I did my part to try to convince friends that a vote for Bush was a vote for Hitler, but it didn't work. This is my letter that will be sent to a couple newspapers through

"America is a democracy. For now. This country was founded on fair and just democratic principles that seem to be fading away with every decision the Bush administration makes. We cannot let one party have complete control over the Supreme Court. It would be the first step in a downward spiral of injustice. I used to look at the American flag and feel pride at the great accomplishments this country has made, but now it's getting harder and harder to think positively. As I wait and see if the "Nuclear Option" actually succeeds in overturning 200 years of progress, I've got our country's flag in one hand, and a lighter in the other. I never thought it would come to this, but if our President lets our entire political system crumble starting with this decision, I won't be needing that flag anymore. And to those who will still believe there is hope behind that flag, just give it time."

You are welcome to copy and paste it, if you can't think of something to write. I know it's a little extreme, but maybe at least one paper will print it. If anything, go to the site and use the "pre-written" letters.


Blogger Sunspot Mike said...

The last people to invoke the nuclear option were the Democrats in 1975. Would you have burned the American flag then? Or are you saying that just because you disagree with the majority party's policies.

The minority party is stalling the installation of federal judges because of sour grapes. Whichever party wins the presidential race always is the one to nominate judges. That's the way it goes. If Kerry won, it woulda went exactly the same way but in an opposite political direction.

Sometimes the team you're on wins, sometimes it loses. I think the real issue is polarization and the complete lack of tolerance for political disagreement nowadays.

11:10 AM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

I'm saying that because I disagree with total rule. I think the Supreme Court, and our country, should be run by half whiny Democrats, and half Republican bitches. BTW, I am neither. I voted Democrat because I'm a realist. I didn't like Kerry much, just like I don't like many politicians at all. Feingold seems like an actual decent guy, so he's a rarity. But really, I guess I'm independent. Anarchy is only cool in the music world. Communism and Socialism only work well in theory. So, in response, I am definitely not on any "team". Mainly because that is what tears everyone apart, like you said. I have a lot of friends who aren't as open-minded as good ol' Mikey here. ;) And those are the friends I don't discuss politics with. (Also because a lot of my friends are fuckin geniuses and I feel like a complete idiot arguing or discussing something I've only spent 1/100th of the time researching!) And, no, I'm not gonna be burning any American flags anytime soon. I said that because to be heard you have to shout sometimes, ya know? I love America, and I probably wouldn't want to live anywhere else (unless Canada was warmer). But I can't have too much pride in the country because I have pride in the WORLD. People who LOVE America often do so because they think the rest of the world is "foreign" or not as good as us. They fear the unknown. "I'm from America, therefore America is the best." You know, the rednecks driving their American made trucks to their KKK meetings. haha.. I really enjoy hearing political theorists talk about the integration of all the world's people and economies in the future. Eventually there won't be Whites, Blacks, Asians or Pygmies, walking around saying how one is better than the other and hating the rest. We'll all be mutts and get along. John Lennon had a good idea... Too bad someone killed him. Man, do I go off on tangents or what? Anyway, I'm glad I have friends who don't get pissed at me when we disagree about things. Or at least, if they do get pissed, they PRETEND they still love me!

12:28 PM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

Can I use "Bake-Sale-Havin' Pussies" as my new band name? hahah... awesome. I also like "Eco-Fuckers."

1:28 PM  

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