Friday, April 15, 2005

New Song!

Here's the song I wrote for the ebay winner... The Kinko's Song. I think it turned out pretty well. I told Mike Thompson (the winner and also ex-coworker of mine at Kinko's) he got an $80 song for 8 bucks because I just got really into it. For my next ebay ad, I think I'll put a disclaimer like *your song will not be this cool or this long unless you bid a LOT*.. haha. I REALLY wish I had some better recording equipment. Dan C. gave me a tip on what to get for my computer, but I still would like better mics, and, oh yeah, any knowledge whatsoever on how the hell to record music! I still have no clue how to master, so I fudge my way through the mixing of the tracks manually. It works, I guess, but the trained ear can definitely hear a difference.

Right now the band I'm starting is going very slowly, but we may have a drummer soon. Don't wanna jinx it, though. I need to finish up the songs we've started writing! They're punk as hell.

I might wanna start a side-project, too. Something a lot more poppy. Oldies-punk type stuff. I love that shit. I also wanna do a Ramones tribute someday. That would fuckin rule. Did you know there's a Ramones musical? When it comes to the US, I'm there!

I'm recording vocals on a studio track of a song Luke Bandy did. He was the drummer for Stumblerun. I wasn't a fan of that band, but he's a decent songwriter, so he recorded a few things at Sleepless Nights. Scott Theis (formerly of Saving Face) of Johnny Rocker and The High Rollers did drums! The track is sounding pretty sweet. I'll get a copy soon and put it on the "internet".


Blogger JRamoneWI said...

nah, Bowling for Soup already stole a bunch of my song ideas.

3:39 PM  

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