Friday, July 22, 2005

Royal dead dudes

So, of course I heard this in Popular Science- Apparently men are becoming extinct. Soon there will be an entire world filled with only women. No, this isn't a porn I rented... well, actually.. it IS, but it's also a theory from this book called Adam's Curse. Men are men because of the Y chromosome, if you don't remember from high school biology. Passed down from father to son over and over. But see, the X chromosomes, which make up like 99% of us or something, and make women women (I'd like to think that it is I who make women REAL women, if you know what I mean) over the course of evolution are able to trade A's, C's, T's, and G's to fix small mutations that occur for whatever reason. But the Y chromosome can't do that, so eventually men will become infertile. So, the Y is like my 1990 Plymouth Voyager, if I don't update it and give it oil and stuff. Eventually it will just die, and be discarded. And the X is like leasing a car. You can trade it for a slightly better one. So, what this all means in a nutshell is that in approximately 125,000 years.. NO MORE SAUSAGE FESTS. And, shit, the parties that go on year 124,999 are gonna freakin ROCK! Of course, by this time we'll either have figured out a way to fix those pesky Y's ourselves, or figured out a way to impregnate a woman with another woman. (That's in the book, too). Or, if we figure out how to speed up evolution, we'll either become X-Men or, more realistically, asexual balls of light. Which would make a good band name. Anyway, just thought you'd find this interesting. And kind of kinky for you lesbian fans.


Blogger Toxic Ned said...

I say we cyrogenically freeze a number of us to be thawed once there are no more men. Then we come back and can pleasure women for the rest of our lives.... IN THE FUTURE!!!!!

12:23 PM  
Blogger JRamoneWI said...

The future, Conan?

6:03 PM  
Blogger K good said...

we need to work on structure.

5:07 PM  

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